The original Spyro the Dragon game, though many would loathe me for saying so, influenced me like Mario influenced so many others. It enraptured me when I was 11; it was a bright, colorful game with DRAGONS and gorgeously designed levels and magical creatures and a good sense of humor, and every level was accompanied by a unique piece of music that gave it the perfect atmosphere of fantasy. I could really go on and on about what a huge game this was to me and my imagination. (It was also the first video game I ever beat on my own.)

This is a monster from the
Alpine Ridge level in the aptly named Magic Crafters world. For a rather cutesy-looking game, these monsters were actually pretty terrifying. They'd come charging at you, all five times your size, with a mouth full of teeth and tusks, roaring ferociously and swatting you with their rhinoceros legs. Especially rendered in polygons.
Seriously, I was a huge nerd for this game. I still kind of am!